The Heart of Wellness
Opened in April of 2018, the Student Recreation Center is a sleek, LEED Gold Certified three-story facility containing a vast array of workout spaces and high-end exercise equipment for all members to connect with the community and reach their fitness goals.
Academic Year Hours of Operation
Recreation Center
Monday: 9am-9pm
Tuesday: 9am-9pm
Wednesday: 9am-9pm
Thursday: 9am-9pm
Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 4pm-8pm
Climbing Center
Monday: 2:00pm-6pm
Tuesday: 2:00pm-9pm
Wednesday: 2:00pm-9pm
Thursday: 2:00pm-9pm
Friday: 2:00pm-6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Outdoor Rentals
Outdoor gear rentals are CLOSED until winter term. For more info, visit the Gear Rentals page.
Fall 2024 Closures:
September 7-21: Annual training and facility maintenance
November 10-11: Veteran’s Day
November 27-December 1: Thanksgiving Break
December 14-January 5: Winter Break
Student Recreation Center by the Numbers
square feet
fitness class participants
foot climbing wall
Members ran
miles on treadmills last year
cardio and weightlifting machines
yearly entries to the SRC
View all of our sustainability and accessibility features
For most of our currently enrolled students at SOU, membership to the Student Recreation Center is covered by student fees. Memberships are also available for SOU faculty and staff, and SOU alumni (at cost).
Facility Guidelines
For more information about policies and procedures at the Student Recreation Center, please refer to the Facility Guidelines. For information about youth in the facility, please refer to our Youth Guidelines. For common inquiries, check out our Frequently Asked Questions.